I read books.

I like to read books. That’s really what this blog is all about. I used to keep lists and lists of books I was reading, my thoughts on those books, what I wanted to read next, etc.

I realized (very late, I guess) that I could start a blog and write my thoughts out here. Share them with others. Nobody might read them, or care, but I will.

I’ll have a place to write down all the books I read, and my thoughts, and to gather others’ thoughts on those books. If other readers stumble upon my brilliant musings (ha!) then that’s great. If my lists inspire others to read more, even better!


I try to read a book or two a week. My goal is usually at least 50 books/year. Now, some books, such as Diana Gabaldon’s “A Breath of Snow and Ashes,” for example, comes in at almost 1,500 pages and it takes a bit longer.  R.J. Palacio’s “Wonder” I can get through in a few days. Sometimes everyday life gets in the way of reading (heavy sigh) and it takes me longer to get through the books I’d like to.

So here we go! Simple book reviews by a simple gal. If you’re still reading, welcome.